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There's much to see here. Take your time, look around and learn all there

is to know about me. I look forward to taking this journey with you!

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Who am I?

I am a wife, mother, author, speaker,

coach, and entrepreneur. I teach people

how to develop the recipe for their

success by first helping them

breakthrough the head-clutter.

My Calling is:

  • Teaching you how to move out of GOD’s

       way and stay out of your own way

  • Inspiring you to move into your purpose

  • Providing you with successful 

      transformation ingredients

  • Building you to become a courageous 

      game changer

What I do:

I am the author of three books and the Founder & CEO of Legends Food, LLC. I am the innovative visionary behind the food industry’s first fully prepared cupcake/cake batter in a bottle.


I have been in the food retail industry for over 15 years. I have positioned more than 10 products in over 1,300 retail stores. My third book, Recipe 2 Retail® was written to help others follow through with their dreams no matter how impossible it seems.

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It was 2004, New Year’s morning. I awoke to warm tears racing back towards my ears and onto my pillow. I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling knowing it would soon be one year since my Grandma passed. I was still grieving. I managed to get out of bed and into the shower, only to find myself weeping louder. Through my tears I mumbled, “I miss my Grandma.” As if in a movie I heard a voice say, “Do something about it.” I opened the shower door to look around. No one there but me, myself, and I.

Later that week while driving home from work, I was listening to the radio. There was a conversation going on between two individuals. During the conversation I heard, “Do something about it. There it goes again…twice within one week.” I said out loud. This time I knew those words were not a coincidence or accident.

That evening I prayed and asked GOD what was it He was telling me. Not long after praying, the answer came. My Grandma’s memory and legacy were connected to the many recipes she taught me. Although I love to eat food, I was not thrilled about leaving my job to make a career out of cooking and baking. I allowed fear (the root of head-clutter) to attach itself to my future, and I did not realize or recognize it. Fear almost won, but instead I leaped and learned how to fly on the way down. What is in your life that’s waiting to exist, but fear has you hostage?

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